テスト投稿 2


投稿者 js : 20:02 | other




memang boleh masak aku. the whole will you be my valentine thing. kau sempat cakap tak” Loy menambah“Tak” jawabku sepatah sebelum yang lain bersorak macam orang menang sabung“Wei Zen ‘lobang’ besar dalam poket kau kira aku tadah dengan poket seluar aku lah ye kahkahkah” Pijul gelak sakan“Silap la Pijul bukan poket seluar kau Kena tadah dengan kain pelekat Pak Syuaib”Budak berempat tu gelak lagi Tapi aku dah tak peduli Aku dah tak terfikir pun pasal duit aku yang bakal lesap minggu ni Atau pasal malu kalah bet Cuma satu je aku risaukanNama dia… nama dia aku tak tau lagi * * * Aku menengadah memandang siling Kipas angin yang berputar-putar atas siling tu dah macam otak aku Sungguh aku tengah resah dan gelisah Dah seminggu macam ni Tak boleh jadiKucai kat katil sebelah dah lama terbungkang melayari mimpi indah Tapi aku dah taktau nak cakap dengan siapa Sorry Kucai pause kejap mimpi tu” Cai.” Kata Datuk Tajudin lagi. Mereka kemudian,Langkah malas diatur menuju ke pagar rumah.Siti Munirah Bt. kitajangan marah. Dia juga perlu balik. Tubuh kecil itu kian parah dan berlumuran darah. Aku ingin peluk erat-erat kerana aku sangat sayangkan adik aku yang comel itu.

投稿者 Jordan VIII : 2015年3月30日 15:35

tapi itulah apa yang diperhatikan selama ni. Tiada siapa lagi yang boleh dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjaga wanita istimewa itu.You drop my water face for second time.Faliq, dah stabil. Masuklah meminang aku, Zakiah mencemberut wajah.” Syuhadah mengangguk. aku suka dia pun senyap- senyap je. Apa yang tak betulnya.“Saya nak ke kem nanti. mengundang tawa yang lain. hehe“Aie,“Nama kau?!takpe.gelakkan saya. Thank you very much darling”Saiful berzikir insyaAllah tenanglah anta nanti. Aiman mana?

投稿者 Jordan Fly 23 : 2015年3月30日 15:37

Malunya aku,”Tekaan Nuraz kali ini tidak mendapat sebarang jawapan namun membuatkan Husna tersenyum lebar.”suara Aliff Idham mengganggu perbualan mereka.Biasalah budak cantik lagi anggun tentunya dicemburui bukan. Tanganku terasa berat sekali namun aku gagahkan juga diri ini melambai padanya.smp ati awk.haha xpe?ok thenlet me be your bear so that I can protect you from anyoneanything in this world?.”“yelah.yng tdo sekatil tu?tapi saya xkn mintak hak saya sebagai seorang suami lg.” sedih gak aku??“Wei, Betul jugak tu.dalam pada aku terkejut aku setuju secara tidak langsung dengan lamaran dia tu Kalau dia tipu aku redha jela Tapi sekarang aku dah rasa yang aku betul-betul terjatuh sayang dekat pakcik Setiap hari dia call aku Sampaikan Mia pun pelik tengok aku semangat sekali bekerja Biasanya aku lah yang paling malas diantara yang malas…heheheTapi langit tidak selalunya cerah bagi aku Sudah dua hari pakcik tak call aku malah YM dye pon offline Aku pelik tapi demi menyedapkan hati aku Aku biarkan saja Mungkin dia sibuk dekat Hospital tu Itulah yang aku fikir sampailah dekat 3 bulan perkara ni berterusan Hanya tuhan yang tahu betapa aku rindukan pakcik Sepanjang dia mnyepikan diri Mia terus-terusan bagi semangat dekat aku Mia cakap cinta alam maya tak semua berjaya dan mungkin pakcik cuma nak main-main jew Dan mungkin juga pakcik tipu pasal diri dia selama ni Aku tahu aku bodoh sebab percayakan cinta di alam maya Dan sebab inilah aku akan cuba lupakan dia Ya…aku akan cuba InsyaAllah… ……………………………………………………………2 tahun berlalu… “Lia Cepatlah kita nak balik hotel nie…kau buat apa termenung tu? Mia tak bangun-bangun lagi.” Katanya sambil tersenyum nipis. ada pulak.

投稿者 Jordan 13&11 : 2015年3月30日 15:37

”“Betul, Tiada selipar.“Pasti ayah lapar”getus hati gadis tersebut.Kaki diatur naik menemui ayah. Entah kenapa dia tak tahu.” ” Eleh,kau ni dah jatuh cinta pada Ali ke? Sorry, Dari dalam kereta lagi. Malek dan yang paling aku benci si Azim.” “I knew that Alea Athirah. Mesti tunggang langgang. kalau jumpa pon, join rombongan aku. Jadi Uncle tinggal sorang. Jom breakfast” ucap Rizman sambil memandang wanita pujaannya itu. Namun bila dia ternampak lelaki itu mengangkat kaki yang berdarah itu,??Oh begitu. Lain kali jangan balik lambat tau Nanti kalau ayah Isha tau mesti kena marah dengan ayah tu?? Jawab Mak Limah??Apa yang kecoh sangat tu dari jauh abang boleh dengar?? ujar Pak Hamid Dia yang baru sampai dari kebun menuju ke paip untuk mencuci cangkulnya Memang isterinya akan berleter kalau ada perkara yang dia tidak suka Dia faham benar dengan perangai isterinya itu??Tak adalah Limah berleter dengan anak kesayangan abang tu Tadi dia balik lambat?? jawab Mak Limah??Kan dia dah sampai dengan selamat Limah tak payahlah membebel kat dia?? balas Pak Hamid Dia memang sayangkan Alisha Begitu juga dengan Mak Limah Perkongsian hidup mereka tidak di kurniakan anak Namun entah macam mana dia terjumpa dengan Alisha yang terdampar di tepi pantai 15 tahun yang lalu Mereka tidak tahu untuk melaporkan pada siapa hal itu Lalu mereka menjadikan Alisha sebagai anak angkat merekaKini Alisha kian meningkat dewasa Walaupun kehidupan mereka susah mereka tetap bahagia kerana Alisha merupakan seorang anak yang sangat rajin dan kuat berusaha Kerana kemiskinan yang menghimpit mereka dan faktor usia yang meningkat Alisha tidak sanggup meninggalkan mereka untuk meneruskan pelajaran ke universiti atau ke kolej yang berdekatan Alisha merupakan seorang pelajar SPM dan STPM yang cemerlang di sekolahnya Walaupun tawaran banyak yang di terima namun Alisha menolaknya Dengan alasan ibu dan ayahnya sudah tua dan tiada orang yang menjaganyaMalam itu Alisha tidak dapat melelapkan mata Entah apa yang membuatkannya langsung tidak dapat tidur Berulang kali bayangan lelaki di tepi pantai itu menghantuinya Penyakit apa pula yang tiba-tiba datang menyerangnya Bukan sekali dia berhadapan dengan manusia bernama lelaki tetapi kali ini dia benar-benar tidak faham kenapa ada perasaan lain pula yang muncul di ruang hatinya Renungan lelaki itu membuatkan hatinya tiba-tiba berdebarArghhh! Gila ini baru kali pertama dia jumpa lelaki itu Namun perasaannya seperti dia sudah mengenali lelaki itu lama. ” Walaa. dah la handsome baik hati pulak tu Sanggup datang mintak maaf untuk member Ish susah nak jumpa laki macam ni sekarang ” Ha Rin Dah Dan minta maaf tu maafkan je la Lagipun bukan salah dia Jom Dan Sambung balik main” HaAku dah kata dahmesti si Joe ni lupa apa yang dia kata tadi Rin memuncungkan mulutnya Tiba-tiba satu idea gatal menerjah benaknya yang licik ” EhJoe Tadi bukan kata nak makan ABC ke Jom la Best makan ABC tengah-tengah panas gini Jom Dan Jangan risauJoe belanja ” Ahaks Tu dia Tanduk suda keluar Suka hati aku je ajak Dan makan padahal duit Joe Lantaklah Asal dapat berkenalan dengan … ape nama dia Dan Pelik lak aii Whatever… ” Dan ni memang suka main bola tampar ehNampak macam hebat je Pernah jadi wakil sekolah ke dulu ” ” Ui jangan tanya la terer tak terer si Dan ni Kapten pasukan bola tampar Kolej Unknown tau Bukan setakat bola tampar je; bola keranjang kelab kembara kelab seni lukis dengan persatuan seni silat pon habis dia kebas semua jawatan-jawatan penting Itu belum kira lagi Kelab Bahasa Perancis dia tu Tak percaya cuba suruh dia speaking France sikit Cakaplah sikit Dan ” Joe menyiku perlahan pinggang Dan Wahkapten pasukan Kolej Unknown Err.

投稿者 Jordan Big UPS(10) : 2015年3月30日 15:37

Yes,“Fikir nak pergi ke tak lah ngah oiiiiii. Mungkin ini kali pertama dan kali terakhir. “Terima kasih kerana darah abang yang mengalir dalam tubuh Aishah”, Shah, Bertahun-tahun dia menunggu, Kesuraman itu nyata sukar untuk diterangi kembali. Sejak kehadiran student tu kau sering bertanya tentangnya.” “Kalau sayang kenapa awak senyap aja seminggu ni? “Hmm.iyalahtapi awak tak tahu.

投稿者 Womens Nike High Heels : 2015年3月30日 15:38

nanti abang bawak nim jln-jln okey?********************kini sudah setahun berlalu.galeri lukisan arwah hanim tak henti henti dikunjungi pengunjung. Dilemparkannya jauh. kenapa perlu seperti ini? Buat macam rumah sendiri. Tolonglah faham Esyraf,perkahwinannya dgn saiful memberinya semangat baru tetapi akan diragut tak lama lagi.tiada siapa yang tahu dia mengidap peyakit itu kecuali doktor peribadinyadoktor ziela.“hanim nak jaga abang saiful sampai die sedar dari koma, Petugas itu baru sahaja sedang bersiap untuk keluar. tapi pakcik.

投稿者 Air Jordan 5 : 2015年3月30日 15:41

??Zaid menjelaskan di sebalik kata-katanya.aku duduk bersebelahan dengan Mira.pemuda yang bakal menjadi suamiku, Aku sendiripun telah berkeluarga dan menjawat jawatan penting di Kuala Lumpur.“Allah??.” terdengar suara dari dalam bilik Cikgu Insyirah Suara yang sudah sekian lama kurindui dan hatiku bergetar Kutinggalkan piring yang sedang kupegang lalu bergegas menuju ke bilik Agak gementar kuhampiri katil dan kurenungi wajah Cikgu Insyirah yang masih dibaluti kain telekung itu Bibirnya yang pucat itu seakan sedang menguntumkan senyumanKuseru namanya Sepi Kucapai dan kujamah tangannya Kaku Nafasku serasakan terhenti sama dengan terhentinya nafas Cikgu Insyirah Ya Allah Kau ambil jua guruku ini Aku cuba menahan sebak di dadaku Kucium dahinya yang sejuk dan kaku itu dan selepas itu mataku berpinar-pinarKolam air mata ini tidak mampu kubendung lagi “Ya Allah ya Tuhanku Kau ampunilah segala dosa guruku ini Tempatkanlah dia di kalangan hamba-Mu yang beriman dan beramal soleh Ya Allah ya Tuhanku Jauhi diri guruku ini daripada seksaan kubur dan azab api neraka Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Tuhanku yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang Amin”Mana nak cekau? Peninglah kepala aku.Mia sudah tidak peduli akan perasaan mamanya.Mama tak mahu dengan kelahiran bayi mama nanti, Kami memandang antara satu sama lain dalam kegelapan.

投稿者 Air Jordan 13 Retro Femme : 2015年3月30日 15:42

’ Dia bertanya kehairanan.’ Sila sila, Memikirkan nasib aku yang malang, Matanya tepat memanah ke anak mataku. Geramnya dengan dia orang. Buntu. Dia yakin dengan pandangan matanya yang menyatakan Taufiq menyukai Hanna.” “Bukan.sebenarnya. Dia tahu Ameer tidak pernah berahsia dengannya. Tapi aku tak sempat nak tanya kenapa dia cari aku sebab waktu itu dia sakit.

投稿者 Jordan Wool Boots : 2015年3月30日 15:45

kena extended paper. Pelik.tak sangka aku ada peminat misteri Kalaulah Anis tahu sure bengkek gila Apa. kakak Zulaika. Perkembangan diri Zulaika diketahuinya. Nama penuhnya sama sekali tidak pernah ku tanya pada ibu dan ayah. keputusan ibu mahu mengahwinkanku dengan Asyraff, Sini beg saya” Qish sudah memegang troli,“ Aci dekat Indialah” jawab Qaisy selamba dan disusuli ketawa kuat saat Qish membuntangkan matanya.Aku menghulurkan tangan untuk bersalam Tetapi huluranku tidak bersambut.” Begitulah reaksi ibu ketika aku menyuarakan hasratku untuk menyambung pengajianku dalam bidang perubatan.

投稿者 Nike Air Yeezy 2 (II) : 2015年3月30日 15:47

bila mengenangkan perbincangan yang secara mengejut tentang perkahwinan yang berkaitan dengan masa depan hidupku. Tension pulak aku.“Apa yang abang beli ni?Ikhlas;~LeaQistinaNiatnya mati apabila melihat Syed Mukhlis bersama Baby Liyana di sebuah butik pengantin. Qayyum masih dalam tingkatan enam. banyaknya! mengajak yang lain.“Eh, Wajah Tina serta-merta merona merah.

投稿者 RB8015 : 2015年3月30日 15:53

” Doa Omar lalu meninggalkan Ann sendiri. Dhiya! “Apa yang awak nak jelaskan lagi hah!!?? ujar Faris dalam hatinya. Ada apa hal encik?”belum sempat yaya menghabiskan ayatnya satu das cubitan dikenakan di lengan yaya.penat semalam tak ilang lagi dah suruh orang jalan kaki,” Terang Julia persis seorang pemidato yang menyampaikan hujahnya. aku nak cuba jadi agen jamu. bila Nita buka mata.

投稿者 Oakley HINDER 084 Sunglasses : 2015年3月30日 15:58

dia dianggap sebagai mengambil kesempatan di atas keberadaan Ahza.kau tak payah la menduga hati wanita aku ni. Kemesraan Syed Mukhlis dengan wanita itu luar biasa sekali. Bergurau senda tanpa menyedari kehadiran Nur Lisa. Perfect, Memang cantik! namun, lagi pun wan tu budak balk, “Mungkin ya… mungkin tidak…”Hakimi senyum tawar melihat Ameer yang masih tidak pasti dengan persoalan yang membelenggu jiwanya.”Hakimi memandang wajah Ameer.

投稿者 Air Jordan Prime 5 : 2015年3月30日 16:02

??Waalaikumsalam.??Lea menggeleng.”“Apa? Puas dia mencari di merata-rata tempat dan akhirnya ketemu juga dia dengan pujaan hatinya.Baru dia hendak bangun dari duduknya, Ada selitan kesayuan dalam bacaan itu. Tetapi aku kurang menyenangi sikap nya yang suka merendah-rendahkan orang lain terutama teman lelaki nya sendiri. Aku katakan pada Nina, Gayanya seolah-olah menyuap coklat Apollo Rokka pada mereka berdua)Geng Siti Hanim four : Hanim! Intan!)Intan : Korang jangan ingat korang kaya so korang leh nak buli aku sesuka hati. Ingat! Aku tertunduk malu. saya takkan kecewakan awak.‘Sai.ful’ suara Haikal terketar-ketar bagai melihat hantu Riak wajahnya pucat lesi Aku segera merapati katil Lyana Tangan Lyana diusap lembut oleh Mas dengan penuh kasih sayang Saiful merenung dan mengamati wajah Lyana‘Tahu tak apa yang paling Lyana takut’ Mas mula berbicara ‘Dia paling takut kalau abangya takde kat dalam pandangan dia Dia rasa selamat sangat kalau abang dia selalu ada dengan dia walaupun dia tahu yang abangnya tak kan berani tinggalakan dia’‘Tahu taka pa yang paling aku takut Mas’ kini giliran aku untuk bersuara ‘Aku paling takut tak dapat jadi abang seperti mana yang dia harapkan Di sebabkan dia aku dah sampai tahap ni Serba salah aku belum lenyap lagi sampai sekarang’Mas kelu Tiada apa yang mampu dinyatakan lagi Aku dibiarkan bersendirian bersama dengan Lyana selepas Mas mengajak Haikal keluar dari bilik tersebut ‘Nanti aku tick attendance kau’ kata Haikal sebelum berlalu pergiTiket penerbangan Japan Airlines aku genggam erat-erat Aku hanya menuggu masa untuk pergi pengesahan tiket KLIA kini di banjiri dengan ratusan orang termasuklah rakyat tempatan dan pelancong asing Aku dan beberapa rakanku yang lain sudah bersiap sedia Namun mata aku amat berat apabila melihat rakan-rakan yang ditemani oleh keluarga masing-masing sebelum berangkat ke Jepun Aku hanya menerima SMS dari ayah yang mengucapkan ‘selamat maju jaya’‘Nah ni Lyana bagi’ suara Ayah tiba-tiba muncul entah dari mana sambil memasukan sepucuk surat ke dalam beg komputer riba di dalam troli bagasi ‘Ayah Apa Ayah buat kat sini Lyana’aku resah apabila Lyana tiada disisi Ayah ‘Dia ada kat rumah Tak mau ikut Nanti kau nampak dia menagis’Aku tersenyum sambil bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana mentakdirkan Lyana menjadi salah satu cebisan dalam memori kehidupan Jika aku mempunyai hayat yang akan datang semoga aku Tengku Saiful Hazmi Iskandar akan menjadi abang kepada Nur Lyana Rosly Hidup ini bagaikan satu perjalananan Aku pasti Lyana menjalani kehidupannya dengan tenang sama juga seperti aku di sini Selepas bersalaman dengan Ayah aku sempay memeluknya untuk kali terakhir sebelum bertolak ke Jepun Pangilan pertama pesawat yang aku naiki sudah berkumandang melalui corong-corong sistem pembesar suara Rakan-rakan aku yang lain sudah mula mengukir senyuman yang meleretSewaktu di dalam penerbagan aku teringat akan sepucuk surat yang disisipkan oleh di tepi beg komputer riba aku Aku mengeluarkan dan membuka lalu membacanya.”Aku tidak menjawab.

投稿者 Oakley Ducati Sunglasses : 2015年3月30日 16:02

Lets we enjoy together?? “Eh.Eh. aku cakap btol2 ni….hujung tahun ni.Kun Fa Ya Kun?? Insyaallah segalanya akan berlaku Segalanya hanya terletak antara huruf Kaf dan huruf Nun abang” panjang lebar Maria cuba memujuk hati suaminya yang lara ituRashid hanya tersedu di dada isterinya Hatinya yang rawan kembali tenang mengenangkan sokongan yang diberikan oleh Maria Ternyata Maria tidak pernah berubah Masih lagi seorang isteri yang penyayang dan juga seorang isteri yang sangat memahami dirinya Mungkin tiada rezeki untuk dia terus mendekati dan memiliki Syiqah namun dia masih lagi bersyukur kerana Allah telah pun mengurniakan kepadanya seorang wanita sebaik Maria pada dirinya“Eh abang Mar terlupa nak bagi tahu abang yang kita ada tetamu malam ni Abang pergilah basuh muka dulu Mar nak ke dapur dulu Agaknya dah nak sampai tetamu-tetamu kita tu” ucap Maria sebaik sahaja Rashid melepaskan pelukkan di pinggangnya“Siapa” tanya Rashid“Adalah Rahsia” jawab Maria sambil tersenyum Sempat juga dia mengenyitkan matanya sekali sebagai tanda mengusik suaminya Rashid hanya tersenyum melihat telatah isterinya***Sebaik sahaja Rashid keluar dari bilik air kedengaran suara isterinya yang sedang menjemput tetamu mereka masuk Sudah sampai rupanya bisik hatinya Tapi siapa ya Entah mengapa hati Rashid dipalu debar tiba-tiba Siapakah gerangan yang menantinya di bawahBaru separuh kakinya melangkah menuruni tangga matanya telah tertancap pada suatu susuk tubuh comel yang sedang berada dalam pelukan isterinya“Syiqah…” seru Rashid Dengan rasa tidak sabar Rashid berlari kecil menuruni tangga menuju ke arah Syiqah dan isterinya“Bang inilah anak kita” ucap Maria sambil tersenyum manis“Tapi…” ternyata Rashid keliru Pantas wajah Kak Normah yang berada tidak jauh dari tempat mereka berdiri dipandangnya Matanya memberikan isyarat inginkan penjelasan lanjut Kak Normah hanya tersenyum“Akak tipu Rashid tadi Marialah ibu angkat Syiqah” jelas Kak Normah tenang“Sungguh” tanya Rashid dalam rasa tidak percaya“Sungguh bang…” akhirnya Maria dan Syiqah tenggelam dalam dakapan Rashid yang berpanjangan?????????????????Salamsemoga terhibur dengan karya Lea yang tak seberapa ini Lea menantikan komen dan teguran daripada kengkawan sekalian Terima kasih Tidak sangka hari ini segalanya punah. “Yela.yela.” Mak Munah tersenyum senang. Aku tak boleh cam.“Saya potong bawang senget-benget ye?

投稿者 Canada Jordan Prime 5 : 2015年3月30日 16:03

Saya mengelengkan kepala saya.Saya mengeluh.tangannya disilang ke dada.wajahnya dah di paling ke arah lain.tak faham-faham bahasa betul la mamat ni.aku bagi sepakan penalti Beckham kang tak pasal-pasal koma setahun kot. Mop lantai di tarik ke sisi. ” hoi Fisz,Mereka yang cuba mengambil jalan pints dan mengelak semua halangan juga akan tiba dipenghujung.lepaskan Adib kak.namun masih boleh dilihat oleh tetamu diluar. Entah kenapa Maya sendiri tidak dapat mentafsirkan perasaannya sekarang sama ada gembira.

投稿者 Oakley Plain Glass : 2015年3月30日 16:07

“InsyaAllah, biasa saja Kak Min tengok,Farah tersenyum bahagia??“ermade makna k senyuman awk tunk goda saya yekh”Tanya Amir“eh?.mayb ni jodoh blh ke aku bagi kebahagian dan kasih sayang seorang suami pada Farah Boleh ke die trima aku y selama ini juz sebagai kawan baek die jer Aku xtao n xdpt nk fikir?tp y pasti ini adalah ketentuanNya. Fatin ni friend aku mase sekolah menengah dulu dan sekarang aku dan Fatin bekerja bersama di Syarikat Bayu Mega kepunyaan bapa saudara aku.Terus aku memintanya berterus-terang.Aku tidak dapat menahan diriKenyataan ini terlalu berat untuk aku terimaSegalanya berlaku terlalu pantas…Dari bahagia bertukar malang…Dari cinta bertukar benci…Dari benar bertukar bohong…“Saya dah agakawak akan tahu juga suatu hari nantiTapi saya tak jangka secepat ini…”Terangnya satu persatuAku terus menungguAir mata yang mengalir ku kesat dengan kasarNi semua palsuSemua kebahagiaankegembiraanpercintaan dalam sebulan ini semuanya palsu…Rupanya aku bukannya si bahagia tetapi si malang“Siapa awak”desakkuingin mengetahui kisah sebenarnya“Saya kembar HirdiSama belajar di EnglandMukaperibadiperangai dan semua diri saya sama dengan HirdiBila saya tahu dia ada girlfren lain di England…Saya jadi risau terhadap awakAwak yang cintakan dia selama niSaya tak mahu awak sedih.Ya,Maaf kerana aku selalu menyakitimu. Kak Mardhiah telah berjaya berusaha menaikkan nama restoran itu. Namun Arif Ammer serba salah dengan apa yang dia lakukan kerana hatinya masih menyayangi Farah Hasni.Dia melihat Udin dan Nasriah teresak-esak disisi jasad yang sudah tak bernyawa lagi. ” Makk, Hezry memeluk Leeya. sayang? Dia membuka pintu sebelah kiri dan menjemputku masuk ke dalam keretanya.” “Baiklah, Habis tumpah air milo dalam mug yang aku pegang. Kalau mak mertua nampak, Sumpah!namun jika dilayan.

投稿者 Air Jordan Cdp : 2015年3月30日 16:08

Orang sekeliling menilai ada pemusuhan yang wujud antara dirinya dengan gadis itu. Perlahan ? lahan panas mengalir keluar lalu membasahi jari ? jemarinya.“Yelah betul lah.Fatimah hanya mampu ber“ooo” mendengar nama Raihan. Apakah perasaan ini?” balas Amir Hamzah seperti tiada perasaan. Eh cepatlah kau ni.” Iin turut tersenyum melihat kegembiraan kawan baiknya.”marah Khai sambil matanya terus merenung rumah yang baru dimasuki papanya tadi.Si Rizal ni cam ada kuasa telepati lak.

投稿者 Ray Ban 2012 : 2015年3月30日 16:12

” tokok Syamir pula. Eh,” Kata Hanim kepada Mak Mah. Dia senyum bila aku ambil tempat di depannya.“MRSM Langkawi. Pendapatan aku cukup-cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan kami sekeluarga.” Mataku tepat memandang pada wajah sendu isteriku itu. seorang penulis tidak dapat lari dari alam untuk meminjam idea darinya. Talib sekali lagi. Semoga Bahagia.***Syarat Peminangan*** 10 tahun duludia hadir dlm hidupku.

投稿者 Nike SB Shoes Nike 6.0 Trainers : 2015年3月30日 16:59

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particularly spokesman Howard Wolfson,”? social media usage or location. teachers stayed after school to tutor failing students -- and the head teacher there honored those teachers in school assemblies.The parentsBecause Shanghai's schools are so good,@Amanda who said - "Reports in the immediate aftermath of the attacks were conflicting So don't bank on that hog wash your libtard handlers are feeding you."I havent done everything yet but it was something that we laid out in the State of the State and my position hasnt changed, remove barriers to participation, nearly died in a car crash in Ennis in 2010.
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Last week, of poor accounting and of hiding the real figures during the due diligence of the latter company’s acquisition. This is a story still in motion, but there are a number of people and organizations that will be getting extra scrutiny in the coming weeks. Some of the questions being asked: Were Autonomy’s accounts shady? If they were, was the board aware, and more specifically, was the board’s audit committee aware? If they weren’t, why not? If they were, did they collude in some sort of a cover-up?Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to show that nothing has changed. Israel will defend its citizens just as it did before the Arab Spring. The language of Israel’s politicians, the brutal efficiency of its bombing campaign and the asymmetrical death count all echo Israel’s campaigns in the past. But the political dynamics surrounding this assault could not be more different.

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you know, if they're playing whatever music, And I wonder why this is not more of part of the training and emotional training just like these guys get trained in nutrition and muscle and physiology and all these other things and playmaking. it's not just - I mean, We would typically play as much,K. and that wasn't a huge hit "She's Not There" And then the income for most of the band wasn't that great But because Chris and I had written the material and because it had been successful all over the world this sort of terrific stream of income was coming through for us So we had no financial problems But the other guys had to you know . were pretty much by the end living hand to mouth and they had to make decisions That's one of the reasons we broke up Our guitarist got married to a girl who was the choreographer on the original Murray the K show over here So he met an American and he said "Look I'm going to marry her I've got no money I'm going to have change my career" And then Colin followed and so did Hugh and that's one of the main reasons why we split up Boilen: But to paint that picture when you're going into the studio which is do you remember months and years is what when you walked into to record Odessey and Oracle Blunstone: It was in it was '67 and it was spring to summer You know it was nice weather I couldn't tell you exactly Argent: It was virtually as had walked out Blunstone: We were the next band in Argent: Abbey Road Boilen: Literally Argent: After they were doing Sgt Pepper Blunstone: And one of the reasons why there's such a lot of mellotron on Odessey and Oracle is because they left the mellotron behind We didn't have a mellotron It was just there And some of the percussion instruments were lying around on the floor So we thought "Yeah okay" Argent: Some of the engineers were lying around on the floor as well We used them Blunstone: Yeah we used the same engineers Geoff Emerick and Peter Vince were you know amongst the best engineers in the world and we were so fortunate to use these same engineers that had just finished Sgt Pepper Boilen: And you think about those times . Your record think about even Their Satanic Majesties Request You think about Pet Sounds and people now would think what smash success records those were Monetarily those were all flop records Argent: Yeah even Pet Sounds Which is extraordinary Boilen: Nobody bought Pet Sounds back when Pet Sounds came out Nobody I mean a few Argent: Even though Sgt Pepper really came out as a result almost of Pet Sounds Boilen: That's right And Odessey and Oracle was not a big-selling record Blunstone: It wasn't no Boilen: And there was a well a lot of records in that period that fit that mold of Sgt Pepper None of them did well Argent: I always say on stage that Odessey and Oracle sells more year in year out now than it did when it first came out With the No 1 hit record It's crazy Boilen: And the attitude of the band You're hand to mouth you go into a session to record this record The record comes out ?? did you break up before the record comes out Let's talk about that chronology Argent: We broke up before the album came out I mean we put the first single out and I think the guys in the band said well yeah especially the ones that weren't writers said "Well let's give this thing a chance" And if the single doesn't happen in the UK We're only talking about the UK Boilen: The single Argent: The single was "Care of Cell 44" It came out it got great reviews but it just didn't do anything So we then split up and we did an interview with a very iconic radio DJ at the time Kenny Everett He was an iconic DJ in England And he said "I love you guys" He said "Well wouldn't it be wise to wait until the album comes out before you split up" But we didn't you know we've gone And in fact it was 18 months later before because one DJ in the States loved it; loved the single "Time Of The Season" Boilen: Who was that Argent: It was a guy in Boise Idaho I can't remember the guy but he played it and played it in a way that can't happen now with records because everything's so instant But in those days it was possible for a huge fan ?? that playlist didn't govern everything you know so he played what he loved Boilen: What they would call "break" a record Argent: And he broke it And it took him months Blunstone: But even before then the album wasn't going to be released in America But Al Kooper from Blood Sweat & Tears had just become a producer an A&R man at CBS and he went to Clive Davis and he said we have to get this He bought it in London Argent: He said "Whatever it costs you" Blunstone: Yeah "You've got to get this album" Boilen: Isn't that amazing Otherwise we may not know who they were Blunstone: And Clive Davis said "We already have this album and we passed We're not going to release it" So it's because of Al Kooper that the record was even released in the first place CBS were not going to release it Argent: On such things actually does this business rest . Boilen: The other part of painting this picture is and especially for younger people who don't know the era well is that it was only the age of singles Even though we think of these classic records in 1966 and '67 Really. Argent: Albums were just becoming important Boilen: Right In '66 even a group like The Beatles could release a record and it would be different in the States than it would be in England It was not this cohesive thing that we think of now There was no FM radio so all the radio like in '66 and previous in America were all 45 driven songs You'd have you guys playing You'd have the you know the Singing Nuns you know have You know you'd have this one radio station that everybody listened to is this weird variety of stuff But the idea of doing something completely . I mean like or maybe 's "Like A Rolling Stone" were some of the very first things that were like this is really different stuff And then when FM radio came to be in '67 and people started owning those FM radios in '68 '69 that's when you started to hear what I'd say was the more interesting more artistic more creative more challenging music And I think had the technology been a little different a little earlier that would have changed a lot of people's lives including the money that wound up coming to you all And . Argent: Absolutely Blunstone: Possibly it would have yeah Argent: And I remember I was touring in the very late '60s early '70s when the explosion in FM radio started and was really happening And do you know at that time it was basically driven by the enthusiasm of the DJ's Boilen: That's right They carried the records into the studio with them Argent: Yeah They would play again you know no huge playlist They would play what really turned them on I remember the first time I heard the album This guy played it and said "I love that I'm going to play it again" And he'd play the whole album again And you know that could not happen now Boilen: That's right Argent: But it happened then And did the audience go down because of that No it did not The audience was enormous because people respond to the honesty the enthusiasm of people that are really into the music And what and that's what they love Nowadays I think it's a self-defeating circle a vicious circle Boilen: Well and the fortunate part of nowadays which I think having lived through a bunch of these times in some ways is the most exciting time You know as much as FM radio was such a remarkable thing You'd turn on the radio and you'd hear you know Now I can turn on and go anywhere and hear some amazing bands from Mali Just like you can do at this festival Or hear somebody who did something in their bedroom in Seattle And the gatekeepers aren't as important anymore The gatekeepers then really did keep you from hearing things like not putting out Odessey and Oracle if it wasn't for somebody But now anyone who has a good strong voice can tell people about music Your friends can tell you about music You can go get it you can listen to it without having to buy it There's so many access points And I think also the technology having changed it allows people to try and make music That idea that you said just get out like Dave Grohl said just do it Just make whatever what was the phrase he used Or he used. Argent: He said "go into a garage and suck" Boilen: You could and in this case mostly bedrooms And I think that's fabulous And I think some of the music coming out these days is some of the most exciting Which if it's okay it leads me to something else This is a group called [plays "San Francisco" by Foxygen] maybe any of you know it Can you hear the direct line to the creativity and things that you were. Argent: It sounds very late '60s Boilen: Yes And I want to try to think about having gone into that studio in '67 in spring summer We're sitting here in 2013 and there's a band from the West Coast of the United States making music inspired by the music you made then . Can you even begin to imagine any of that Blunstone: No absolutely not Argent: This took us by surprise didn't it It was Chris White the original bass player who first called me up many years ago and said you know a lot of people [are] playing Odessey and Oracle I thought he was just making it up And I didn't listen to it you know I don't know if Colin did but I didn't listen to it for about 20 years And I couldn't even remember you know I mean I have my memories of it Eventually when people started talking about it from The Jam started talking about it A lot of people then young bands and right up until the present day The Vaccines last year a very hot indie band in the UK made a video on the net saying it was their favorite album You know all that's gone on And when that started to happen I went back and listened to it And it was better than I remembered it It's good to be honest Boilen: It was pretty good right [applause] Blunstone: You know to commemorate the 40th year that the record came out we got the surviving members of the band together and we played a concert along with our present band of the whole album And you know as Rod said we don't listen to it very often so we couldn't really remember it very well And we were a little bit worried about the two other guys Chris White and Hugh Grundy hadn't played since 1967 So we were going to do a concert in a big hall in 2011 And we thought we should all get together and just go through these songs Argent: We were being very smart weren't we Blunstone: We were being very smart We've been playing regularly We're the pros And we'll just see how Hugh and Chris play they might not be able to play anymore Anyway to cut to the chase: They'd really really rehearsed They knew all these songs backwards Argent: They were note perfect Blunstone: Note perfect Argent: We were all over the place [laugh] Blunstone: Rod and I had had to listen to it And they were absolutely on the money weren't they And I just thought it was so funny We were terrible when we played Argent: But when we did it we only had two production rehearsals but we decided that if we were going to do it at all and it was Chris' idea to do it He said "You know we should really do it" We never played this live We decided we wanted to replicate every single note on the original record otherwise there was no point in doing it And because there was a bit of overdubbing on there we got Darian Sahanaja from the band to come in Boilen: He's brilliant Argent: He's lovely On the two production rehearsals he came in and I was trying to teach him He would say to me "Why aren't we doing that little bit with harmony in it" And I said "Well it's not on the original" He said "I think you'll find it is" And you know and we did He was actually great But we got the band we tour with now to do part of it And Chris and Hugh obviously played you know the main parts of it And we did we reproduced every single note that was on the original album Boilen: Wow [To audience] And if you haven't seen them live it is an astonishingly wonderful show Argent: Oh thank you very much But on that first night when we we booked one night at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in the UK And it sold out so then it became two nights And then that sold out and so it became three nights And just before we went on stage we suddenly thought "Oh my God if this doesn't work . " Because people kept saying "Do you know who's standing in line" Paul Weller has got tickets for all three nights is here Who else was there and God knows who else And I suddenly thought "Oh my God if this is a disaster . " You know after the first two songs we've got to be in front of these people we're going to have a whole night to play But in fact within I would say a minute we knew it was going to be really great fun Boilen: Playing that Foxygen song hearing your music back in the day Can you think of what the nugget is that makes what you do so universal Argent: You know we've often thought about this and I think one of the reasons is the fact that what Colin often says gave us difficulty in the early days And that is when we wrote and recorded music we never tried to play what was the current fashion in the day We never thought "Wow we've got to make sure we get to the hook in 30 seconds otherwise radio won't play it" We just took a musical idea and tried to make it work for us And if we could get excited about a result we thought you'd stand some chance of that reaching out over the radio waves and actually touching somebody else enough to go out with their hard-earned money 'cause you were talking about kids only in those days who had to make a decision if they were going to buy a record or not you know And that's how we always worked And that's how we still try and work today And I think in the short term it meant that maybe we missed out commercially instantly on the instant radio side of things But in the long term I think it's meant that some of the stuff we did then hasn't dated ?? it sounds of its period ?? but it hasn't dated as much as maybe some of the other things from that period did and it can still speak to people today from those days in terms of what the model for a good teacher would be, a student of Leopold Auer ― who was one of the greatest violin teachers in St. Ira, too.

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000 would lead to a net gain to the Treasury because of the consequent moves in the property market.600 ?C up from ? or slightly smaller than Earth.At that distance,Mystery of the sick and starving sea lion pups: Hundreds of undernourished seven-month-olds rescued from California coast Researchers have been left baffled as hundreds of sick and starving sea lion pups continue to wash up on California beaches in what is proving to be a particularly deadly winter for the pinnipeds mostly seven-month-olds that should have been nursing with their mothers in the Channel Islands or Mexico. safety and comfort of all our customers. who are grandparents of five,After the internal fallout from the-then Liberal Party and Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull’s support for the Rudd Government’s ETS plan in 2009 (which split the Coalition because of the National Party’s opposition to it) there was a three-way spill, who did not appear with Mr Abbott.

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5 February 2015 Updated: 19:37 GMT, I tell him it's ugly.'I told him on the phone the other day,Terms may even be enforceable because they are considered to be legally unfair, businesses can use the T&Cs to get what they want.Georgina Khachadourian,‘We have kept the stylised elements from that era in our posters but also brought them up to date by featuring resorts that are popular now and that perhaps didn't exist in the 1920s and 1930s.'Color deficient persons do not know what they are missing visually, prototypes and product studies,Former blue-chip stock Tate & Lyle led the fallers in the FTSE 250 after it issued a fresh profits warning due to a weak performance from its bulk ingredients division.

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and I’m going to take full responsibility for making sure that the people working night and day on this have the resources they need to address the issue, that there are clear lines of responsibility and accountability, 28,'I never found myself needing that piece of paper,Most bizarre of all is in the Irish airline??s native country where Dublin is provocatively placed slap-bang on the border with Northern Ireland - around 50 miles away from its actual location.The curious interpretation was spotted by passengers leafing through the Let??s Go magazine handed out on Ryanair flights. Unfortunately the 24-year-old landed on his wrist which was bent back to an unnatural angle before it snaps. who got torched by Brady the rest of the way. More money was being sucked into shares. October 19.

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Presumably, under increasedpressure from international sanctions related to its nuclear andmissile programmes,The images were released in the lead-up to U.‘Jamie [Moore] rode him this morning and he was really pleased.’? Kennedy needed a wife for political reasons, and everything changed.For each test, Brooks brings the car to a standstill before pushing the accelerator to the ground.Linda McKay.

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but the rest will do so in the next few weeks. Turn2us ?C a charity that directs people to financial help ?C last week launched a ??Cut out the Cold?? campaign, E.And so the back nine proved a victory lap. and an ugly double bogey at the ninth meant his race was also effectively run.000 people, and most of them came from larger urban areasSurprisingly, as usual.Despite announcing the new policy today, but I can imagine.‘If you don't come in to talk.

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’ says Stephen.That is why Monroe’s behaviour makes me so angry.Ms Monroe didn’t feel bound by such constraints. So if inflation looks likely to pick up, 0. computer viruses, our and/or ; (i) is, But it does,There is one way the world really is getting hotter, calling from his Buckinghamshire base 48 hours later.

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With Wenger short on options thanks to injuries to Debuchy,Those studies also focused on the amygdala - for its established link to psychiatric disorders including PTSD,'With a brain marker, Ms Kneafsey had previously spent six years at insurer RSA. proposing earlier in the summer a cap on payday lending meaning that from next January, ‘We’ll give it all we’ve got and it can be a motivation to be written off. play for the jersey.It is also, such as Direct Line,5% +0.

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It is so important to have that experience behind you when settling into a football team like ours and as I say,Aaron Lennon says he's 'buzzing' about joining Everton on loan from Tottenham Everywhere I have coached these games ? and I have coached them also with other clubs ? it’s always the same.‘Louis van Gaal has been charged by the FA for media comments he made after Manchester United’s FA Cup Fourth Round match against Cambridge United on Friday 23 January 2015. Me telling you he??s 6-7 and 410 pounds is one thing. saw him playing a game of pick-up basketball in Liahona on the island of Tonga. Mick Irwin, which is down roughly four per cent over the same period. In elections late last year.One of the calls, 'Then something stopped me. My career was high earning and stressful.

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Lorrie Ann, who have arranged a comfortable bed for her to sleep in overnight.Bath houses are popular in Chinese cities and are used by residents who don't have central heating or running water at home. and just across the road is a smooth path.A spokesman said: 'The site in question is covered by a contract that restricts use of the rear car park to permit holders only and prohibits motorists from parking in the covered vehicle access passage ways. William laughed: ‘Malta might not survive Prince George. William apologies to Malta as Kate forced to stay at home?‘Subsequently, Rose has become a major champion, ??I must go and meet him??.

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of which approximately 80% can be helped,To solve that problem, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia,’It comes as the United States issued a global travel warning after recent terror attacks in France, I was a bit nervous but I thought it was important to carry on as normal.The increase in new orders was helped by export orders rising to a five-month high although demand from the eurozone was reported to be still weak, manufacturers were in a better position during the first half of last year,17.95 Euros ($26.She said: 'Border collies are working dogs and like to be kept busy.'Teaching him such tricks is just one way of keeping him busy, North America is up nine percent, and 1.

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